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Réservation de Planning

Laissez vos clients réserver leurs rendez-vous avec vous en utilisant l'outil de réservation de planning. SITE123 vous offre cet outil pour répondre à tous vos besoins de planification.

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Ajouter Plusieurs Services

Ajouter de nouveaux services sur votre page de réservation de planning est la façon dont vous configurez votre service de planification et le faites croître. La simplicité d'utilisation de l'outil vous permet d'ajouter de nombreux types de services qui ont tous leurs propres paramètres, vous donnant un contrôle maximal en tant qu'utilisateur. La personnalisation est grandement facilitée par le fait que tous les services sont édités au même endroit dans l'éditeur, rendant facile l'ajustement de vos services et plannings lorsque des changements surviennent.

Créer Différentes Catégories Pour les Services

Créer une catégorie pour votre service est essentiel dans la création des services de réservation de votre site web. Les catégories vous permettent d'organiser les services que vous créez pour votre site web et de définir différentes configurations pour chacun d'eux. Rester organisé est l'un des attributs les plus importants d'un bon site web et la capacité de créer des catégories pour les services vous permet de le faire avec aisance.

Définir un Type de Service Personnel ou de Groupe

Configurer les informations de votre service est essentiel pour mettre en place votre page de réservation de planning. Cette décision déterminera comment votre service sera organisé : personnel, centré sur la prise en charge d'une seule personne, ou groupe, centré sur l'aide de 2 à 99 personnes. Non seulement cet outil détermine le nombre de personnes pour lesquelles vous fournirez vos services, mais la manière dont nos outils personnalisés interagissent avec vous change en fonction du type de service que vous choisissez.

Multiple Participants For A Service

Choosing a maximum participant level is necessary when you want to determine how many people can use any group-type services that you provide. Group service is available for anywhere from 2 to 99 people, allowing you a broad range of users to cater to. An example would be teaching a class on a specific trade skill; given the specialized training, you might want to choose less than 10 students per class. For a service provided that can be learned and shared more generally, you could allow many more participants.

Set Your Service Location

Picking your service location lets people know where you are going to be providing your services. You can enter the physical address of any location and have it listed conveniently for you in the element, visible to all registered users of your service. This lets people use modern navigation services find your business with ease and utilize your services on a timely basis.

Set Your Service Duration

Setting the duration for your services is important for notifying your clients on how long your services will take. This is necessary for budgeting your time and giving your customers an idea of how much time they need to dedicate to taking advantage of your services. This is very important for maintaining a professional and efficient time schedule for your booked services.

Set Pricing For Your Service

Deciding on pricing for your service is one of the most important decisions you can make about your service and how valuable your time is. Price is the one of the best marketing tools you can use to attract the audience you are targeting, whether those are high value services dedicated to a niche audience or more economical services aimed towards a larger demographic.

Set Working Hours And Shifts

Choosing the working hours that you offer is key to maintaining your schedule and organizing it around your customers and their needs. The shifts you determine can vary by duration and day, letting you customize your weekly schedule completely. This customization gives you maximum flexibility, especially if you have a complex schedule that requires you planning around all kinds of other events or plans.

Custom Registration Form For A Service

Adding a registration form lets you allow customers to sign up for your booking schedule service on your website. The registration form is a custom built form that you can change yourself, allowing you and your clients to add all kinds of different information depending on the service you are offering. This versatile registration form can be designed differently for each type of service you offer, allowing the custom collection of information that is tailored to the service you are providing.

Manage Your Schedule Booking Orders

Changing your order status for your orders will be needed as orders change over time, and it is critical to all businesses to keep this information accurate. From the order status page you can choose between several different conditions based on what is going on with each individual order, giving you a fast and simple solution for managing your inventory as you take in client orders.

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